
At Nex­pe­rion, we design and develop soft­ware tools to make work with elec­tron microscopy more effi­cient and repro­ducible: these tools sup­port users of micro­scopes who care about acqui­si­tion of data, super­vi­sors con­cerned with up-time and per­for­mance of instru­ments, and every­one else deal­ing with data pro­duced by elec­tron microscopy. We work with both, cus­tomers in research as well as in indus­try, and cover appli­ca­tions in mate­r­ial sci­ences and biology/medicine.

Sup­port for a wide range of plat­forms and detec­tors is being aimed for — please inquire about com­pat­i­bil­ity with your indi­vid­ual con­fig­u­ra­tion!

Sen­tinel is an inte­grated mon­i­tor­ing tool designed to max­imise TEM up-time by keep­ing an eye on crit­i­cal para­me­ters and alert­ing actively about prob­lems.

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Nex­pe­rion also devel­ops soft­ware cus­tomized to your spe­cific needs, to sup­port your inno­v­a­tive research project or to auto­mate large scale data col­lec­tion.

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