Seri­alEM is well known for its ver­sa­til­ity and the very wide range of hard­ware sup­ported, but this com­plex­ity can also make the instal­la­tion of Seri­alEM a daunt­ing task, espe­cially for users who have no or lit­tle prior expe­ri­ence with the soft­ware.

To help lab­o­ra­to­ries save valu­able time and to pro­vide them with a well cal­i­brated instance that is ready to use, Nex­pe­rion offers the instal­la­tion and cal­i­bra­tion of Seri­alEM as a ser­vice. This ser­vice is based on the expe­ri­ence from almost a hun­dred sys­tems on all sup­ported plat­forms and is avail­able either on-site or — for selected instru­ments — also remotely.

For a cus­tom quote for the, please con­tact us with the fol­low­ing details:

  • Type and loca­tion of TEM
  • Cam­eras avail­able on this instru­ment
  • Cam­eras intended to be used in Seri­alEM
  • Spe­cial hard­ware like energy fil­ters, STEM, or cor­rec­tors
  • Num­ber of high volt­ages that cal­i­bra­tions are required at

Also spec­ify if train­ing is required.