SerialEM is a software developed by Dr. David Mastronarde (at the University of Colorado and formerly part of The Boulder Lab for 3D Electron Microscopy of Cells) enabling automated acquisition of a variety of data from transmission electron microscopes: tilt series for (cryo-)electron tomography, large image areas for 3D reconstruction from serial sections, and — via its powerful scripting language — images for reconstruction of macromolecules by single-particle methods.
SerialEM is compatible with devices from major manufacturers such as Thermo Scientific/FEI Tecnai, Titan, and Talos microscopes with the TEM scripting adapter, JEOL TEMs with the TEMCON or TEMCENTER interface, the Hitachi HT7700/7800, and cameras/detectors from all major brands.
In collaboration with SerialEM’s author, Nexperion provides support and resources for this tool, and manages the financial resources for future development of the software. All problem reports and requests should be initially sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which is monitored by Nexperion.