Nex­pe­rion col­lab­o­rates with a num­ber of renowned cutting-edge research insti­tu­tions on devel­op­ing and test­ing new tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts. Our cus­tomers profit from this exchange of lat­est knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence.


vbcfElec­tron Microscopy Facil­ity at the Vienna Bio­cen­ter Core Facil­i­ties GmbH (VBCF; for­merly Cam­pus Sci­ence Sup­port Facil­i­ties GmbH, CSF). The VBCF was estab­lished at the Cam­pus Vienna Bio­cen­ter to pro­vide top sci­en­tific infra­struc­ture oper­ated and con­stantly fur­ther devel­oped by highly qual­i­fied experts. Its Elec­tron Microscopy Facil­ity pro­vides exper­tise and instru­men­ta­tion for imag­ing the com­plex archi­tec­ture of macro­mol­e­cules, cells, and tis­sues at nanome­ter res­o­lu­tion using state-of-the-art con­ven­tional and cryo-techniques for spec­i­men prepa­ra­tion and visu­al­iza­tion.


FELMI-ZFEThe Aus­trian Cen­tre for Elec­tron Microscopy and Nanoanaly­sis (FELMI-ZFE) located in Graz, Styria, is a lead­ing microscopy insti­tu­tion in the phys­i­cal and bio­log­i­cal sci­ences con­cen­trat­ing on inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research and teach­ing. The cen­tre houses the most advanced microsopy instru­men­ta­tion. A unique fea­ture is the centre’s broad field of activ­i­ties, rang­ing from fun­da­men­tal to applied research with uni­ver­si­ties and com­pa­nies through­out Europe.


University of Colorado BoulderDavid Mas­tronarde and co-workers at the Mas­tronarde Group, Uni­ver­sity of Col­orado Boul­der, develop and dis­trib­ute soft­ware for acqui­si­tion, pro­cess­ing, and analy­sis of image data, pri­mar­ily from elec­tron micro­scopes: this includes Seri­alEM for (tomog­ra­phy) data acqui­si­tion, IMOD and its graph­i­cal inter­face eTomo for recon­struc­tion of tilt series, and PEET for subto­mo­gram aver­ag­ing.


Core Facility Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure ResearchAt the Core Facil­ity Cell Imag­ing and Ultra­struc­ture Research of the Uni­ver­sity of Vienna (CIUS) video, light, and elec­tron microscopy is com­bined with atomic ele­ment analy­sis and flu­o­res­cence tech­niques. The staff does not only sup­port stu­dents with lec­tures, lab courses and train­ing, but also mem­bers of fac­ulty, uni­ver­sity and other insti­tu­tions, giv­ing them per­sonal assis­tance and guid­ance.


Core Vision in ScienceCore Vision in Sci­ence (based in Dresden/Germany) offers man­age­ment con­sul­tancy to research insti­tutes, uni­ver­si­ties and aca­d­e­mic med­ical cen­ters to improve their admin­is­tra­tion, reach a self sus­tain­able infra­struc­ture and to enable sci­en­tists to per­form excel­lent research. By bridg­ing exec­u­tives, sci­en­tists, and admin­is­tra­tors, Core Vision in Sci­ence guides you through the imple­men­ta­tion of processes and pro­ce­dures to sig­nif­i­cantly enhance over­all finan­cial and oper­a­tional struc­ture, sup­port crit­i­cal deci­sion mak­ing process towards improv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and data out­put. The pro­fes­sional out­come is endorsed by design­ing ad-hoc solu­tion.