Uni­ver­sity Edu­ca­tion

19952002Dip­loma stud­ies in genet­ics at the Uni­ver­sity of Salzburg (Aus­tria) with an early focus on elec­tron microscopy

20022006Doc­toral stud­ies in molecu­lar and cell bio­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Salzburg (Aus­tria)

Pro­fes­sional Pos­i­tions and Func­tions

2003Con­sul­tant of the Aus­trian Acad­emy of Sci­ences to develop a high-end elec­tron microscopy facil­ity in Vienna

20062011Head of the joint Elec­tron Micro­scopy Facil­ity of the Research Insti­tute of Molecu­lar Patho­logy (IMP), the Insti­tute of Molecu­lar Bio­tech­no­logy (IMBA), and the Gre­gor Mendel Insti­tute of Molecu­lar Plant Bio­logy (GMI) at Cam­pus Vienna Bio­cen­ter (Aus­tria)

20082022Lec­turer for Elec­tron Micro­scopy at the Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences Wiener Neustadt (Aus­tria)

20122014Head of the Elec­tron Micro­scopy Facil­ity of the Vienna Bio­cen­ter Core Facil­i­ties (VBCF; for­merly Cam­pus Sci­ence Sup­port Facil­it­ies) in Aus­tria

20122017Board Mem­ber of the Aus­trian Soci­ety for Elec­tron Microscopy

2013 – presentFounder and owner of Nex­pe­rion e.U.

2018 – presentOffi­cial first-level sup­port for Seri­alEM

Selec­ted Courses and Meet­ings

2000FEBS Course on “Elec­tron Micro­scopy and Ste­re­ology in Molecu­lar Cell Bio­logy” (Oslo, Nor­way)

2002EMBO Course on “Cryo-​Electron Micro­scopy and 3-​D image recon­struc­tion” (Heidel­berg, Ger­many)

2004Instruc­tor at the FEBS Course “Visu­al­ising Cyto­skel­eton Dynam­ics” (Dres­den, Ger­many)

2005Co-​Organiser of the “FEBS Course on Advanced Light Micro­scopy and 5th Inter­na­tional ELMI Meet­ing” (Sem­mer­ing, Aus­tria)

2007Gatan Euro­pean GIF School 2007 (Graz, Aus­tria)

2010Organ­iser of the “BioEM Core Facil­it­ies Meet­ing” (Vienna, Aus­tria)

2010Speaker at the “Inter­na­tional Work­shop of 3D Mol­e­c­u­lar Imag­ing by Cryo-Electron Microscopy” (Bei­jing, China)

2013FEI Tec­nai (F)20 Alliance Train­ing (Eind­hoven, The Nether­lands)

2015Co-organ­iser of the “Advanced Course on Cryo-Electron Tomog­ra­phy” (Vienna, Aus­tria)

2017Co-organ­iser of the “Advanced Work­shop on Cryo-Electron Tomog­ra­phy” (Vienna, Aus­tria)

2019Co-organ­iser of the “Advanced Work­shop on Cryo-Electron Tomog­ra­phy” (Vienna, Aus­tria)

2022Co-organ­iser of the “Advanced Work­shop on Cryo-Electron Tomog­ra­phy” (Vienna, Aus­tria)