
Dr. Guenter Resch is the founder and owner of Nex­pe­rion.

The solu­tions offered by Nex­pe­rion are largely based on his many years of work in the field of trans­mis­sion EM. His exper­tise cov­ers both, the user per­spec­tive as a sci­en­tist in basic bio­med­ical research as well as the point of view of a facil­ity man­ager with many users and respon­si­bil­ity for high-end instru­men­ta­tion.

After catch­ing fire for elec­tron microscopy very early in his uni­ver­sity train­ing in biol­ogy, he used the tech­nique in his home­town and first lab as well as abroad in stud­ies on cell biol­ogy. Later, he was in charge of imple­ment­ing and super­vis­ing one of Austria’s largest EM facil­i­ties from the ground up. This not only included the instal­la­tion and main­te­nance of top-end micro­scopes, but also the appli­ca­tion of a broad spec­trum of prepa­ra­tion and imag­ing tech­niques in a sci­en­tific con­text and in col­lab­o­ra­tion with other researchers.

For fur­ther details, a CV, a list of pub­lic­a­tions, and Guenter Resch’s per­sonal page on LinkedIn are avail­able.