Seri­alEM and IMOD are mem­bers of a suite of freely avail­able pro­grams for elec­tron tomog­ra­phy devel­oped by the team around David Mas­tronarde (for­merly at The Boul­der Lab for 3D Elec­tron Microscopy of Cells). Sup­port­ing the entire tomog­ra­phy work­flow, from data acqui­si­tion to image pro­cess­ing and mod­el­ing, Seri­alEM and IMOD enjoy an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion in the EM com­mu­nity. To enable you a smooth start with both prod­ucts, Nex­pe­rion offers instal­la­tion and cal­i­bra­tion ser­vices, as well as cus­tomised on-site train­ing.

Seri­alEM dri­ves the micro­scope for auto­mated acqui­si­tion of tilt series, includ­ing STEM tomog­ra­phy, low dose (cryo) tomog­ra­phy, and mon­taged images. It offers a lot of addi­tional use­ful fea­tures such as nav­i­ga­tor maps or a pow­er­ful script­ing lan­guage. Seri­alEM is com­pat­i­ble with devices from major man­u­fac­tur­ers such as FEI Tec­nai, Titan, and Talos micro­scopes with the TEM script­ing adapter, JEOL TEMs with the TEM­CON or TEM­CEN­TER inter­face, the Hitachi HT7700/7800, and cameras/detectors from all major brands.

Nex­pe­rion is also sup­port­ing the devel­oper of Seri­alEM by serv­ing as a pri­mary con­tact for get­ting assis­tance with Seri­alEM. All prob­lem reports and requests should be ini­tially sent to This email address is being pro­tected from spam­bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which is mon­i­tored by Nex­pe­rion.

Nex­pe­rion is also main­tain­ing a pub­lic repos­i­tory allow­ing users to share and doc­u­ment Seri­alEM scripts (macros).

The main focus of IMOD is recon­struct­ing tomo­grams from EM tilt series and mod­el­ing the 3D data. The lat­ter func­tion can be used, how­ever, to model any kind of 3D data from EM, and there are also pro­ce­dures for align­ing images from ser­ial block­face scan­ning EM (SBSEM) and ser­ial sec­tions. IMOD can be run on all major oper­at­ing sys­tems and offers both an easy start via the etomo graph­i­cal user inter­face as well as end­less flex­i­bil­ity by using the under­ly­ing com­mand line pro­grams.

For both prod­ucts, we pro­vide sup­port with instal­la­tion and cal­i­bra­tion as well as on-site train­ing fit­ted to your indi­vid­ual needs. Please send us your detailed require­ments, we will make you an offer.