In biomedical research, cryo-transmission electron microscopy allows to image proteins, viruses, cells, sections of tissues, and pharmacological samples in their natural, hydrated environment. Compared to conventional methods such as negative staining that use drying and contrasting steps, this allows superior structural preservation and unprecedented resolution and confidence into results.
This technique not only demands dedicated instrumentation but also requires specific expertise for specimen preparation, handling, and microscopy: Nexperion offers trainings and application support in
- Immersion freezing
- Cryo-TEM basics
- Automated data acquisition
- Cryo-electron tomography
- …
A special focus of expertise is specimen preparation by immersion freezing with the Leica EM GP, a semiautomatic freezing apparatus for thin specimens on electron microscopy grids (immersion freezing). This instrument was developed in a collaboration between Leica Microsystems and the former lab of Guenter Resch, who is now the owner of Nexperion, and has since been used to produce results published in numerous papers on structural biology, cell biology, and pharmacology.