
Nex­pe­rion offers world­wide train­ing, con­sult­ing, and setup ser­vices in the field of elec­tron microscopy. As everyone’s focus and level of exper­tise are dif­fer­ent, all train­ings and con­sult­ing ser­vices are tai­lored to the indi­vid­ual customer’s needs. To dis­cuss your indi­vid­ual require­ments, please feel free to con­tact us.

We will be happy to con­nect you with other experts in the field to fur­ther assist you, if the sup­port requested is beyond our area of exper­tise.

An advanced work­shop on cryo-electron tomog­ra­phy (SerialEM/IMOD/PEET) was organ­ised by the VBCF, ISTA, and Nex­pe­rion in May 2022 in Vienna.

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We pro­vide sup­port also for IMOD, a freely avail­able solu­tion for pro­cess­ing of (cryo)electron tomog­ra­phy and other 3D-EM data.

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Cryo-TEM is the state-of-the-art approach to visu­alise bio­log­i­cal spec­i­mens in their native, hydrated state — we sup­port you in prepa­ra­tion and imag­ing.

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This mail­ing list serves as a dis­cus­sion forum for researchers employ­ing high pres­sure freez­ing (HPF) and freeze sub­sti­tu­tion (FS).

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