Bank Con­nec­tion

Bank: Erste Bank der oester­re­ichis­chen Sparkassen AG
Address: Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna, Aus­tria
IBAN: AT75 2011 1823 2163 2700

Credit Card

Credit card pay­ments up to 10 000 € are accepted via Plink/Mollie, please use exclu­sively Nexperion’s pay­ment link and always include the quote or invoice num­ber in the pay­ment descrip­tion.

Please note that this pay­ment proces­sor is located in the Nether­lands, credit cards (espe­cially those issued in the United States) have to be enabled for (inter­na­tional) pay­ments in this region.

VAT Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber

ATU67962234 (EC val­i­da­tion tool)