
Thank you for vis­it­ing the Nex­pe­rion web site. We highly appre­ci­ate your inter­est and look for­ward to being in touch by mail, chat, or on the phone.


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For send­ing PGP/GPG encrypted mail, a pub­lic key is avail­able in PGP and text for­mat.

Phone and Chat

As Nex­pe­rion is based in Europe, the best days to con­tact us are Mon­day to Fri­day: The morn­ings if you are in Amer­ica, the late evening or the night if you are located in Asia or Aus­tralia, and from noon to the evening if com­ing from Europe. Alter­na­tively, please use Email.

Social Media

The Nex­pe­rion Newslet­ter is a hassle-free way to keep up to date with our most recent devel­op­ments and ser­vices.

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Guenter Resch attends a num­ber of events each year to stay con­nected with the com­mu­nity — the next oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet are listed here.

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For those already engaged in busi­ness with us, details about out bank con­nec­tions and tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­bers may be found here.

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The Vienna EM “Stammtisch” (gath­er­ing) is an infor­mal meet­ing of elec­tron micro­scopists from Vienna and its vicin­ity.

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